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Sustainability focuses on meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs.”


As the world is moving towards sustainable ways of living, the growing trend of technological innovations to create more sustainable products appear to be at the forefront now. Moving to a greener and more sustainable society is a must as the challenges of global warming, environmental degradation and resource depletion are becoming increasingly critical.

In line with the latest technological developments/advancements toward SUSTAINABILITY, United Precision Plastics has been researching how our products can be made environmentally friendly for many years.
We are pleased to inform you that we are now legally (licence) and technically equipped to produce and supply Sustainable products. 


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Sustainable solutions

June 2022


Bio based And Bio Degradable : These are usually materials made from cellulose acetate (plant based) or lactic acid based

What is compostability?

May 22


Fragmentation – first step in the biodegradation process, in which organic matter is broken down into microscopic fragments

Further in order to conserve the natural resources, landfill space and energy, United Precision Plastics believes in “Reduce Reuse Recycle” and accordingly we have upgraded our products.

We are now in possession of the GLOBAL RECYCLED STANDARD (GRS) certificate for recycled products.

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